Children of Heroes Day- May 28-Tucson


Hear Ye!         Hear Ye!

The magical creatures at Tucson’s historical Valley of the Moon do hereby invite all Veterans and active duty military personnel with children to celebrate with us at our first annual CHILDREN OF HEROES DAY!

This event is created for children from 2-15 years old and will be held at the Valley of the Moon on May 28. Please mark your calendars now. It is a FREE event featuring such things as a scavenger hunt, story telling, crafts instructions. Dress-up for photos with a magical creature, a music station and a really special opportunity for kids to bring in a book they have read and exchange it for another of their choosing.

Since this magical fantasyland is somewhat of a botanical garden it is highly recommended families bring their own picnic blankets or lawn chairs. Food will be catered by our friends at the Golden Corral of Tucson and providing food for our guests free of charge. (Note: Golden Corral raises funds annually for Tucson’s Camp Corral summer camp for qualifying veteran’s children held July 3-July 8 at the Triangle Y Ranch north of Tucson) The Golden Corral restaurant chain has created these Camp Corrals in many other cities. <>

The Coalition to Salute America’s Heroes will be supplying bottled water and have paid the expense of our event posters. <>The Non-profit Healing Arizona Veterans is collaborating with the Valley of the Moon staff to present this exciting event. <>

The City of Tucson has recognized this event and the Mayor of Tucson will be attending in the afternoon. The City has been very helpful in furnishing names of veteran organizations to inform their members of our event.

We expect a fun crowd of children and parents to this event including families of active duty military as well as our veteran community in the Tucson area.

The children should expect a very fun “magical day” as only one can experience at this famous historical fantasyland. <>

BRING YOUR CAMERAS ! ( who knows you may even get to see a real fairy or gnome appearing. )

Valley of the Moon is located at 2544 E Allen Rd Tucson, AZ 85716. To find us take Prince Rd East from Campbell Avenue, turn North on Tucson Blvd, then East on Allen Rd.

The Valley of the Moon is a 501c3 non-profit organization and is a total volunteer organization funded by no one except through donations and special performance events done in the Fall (Halloween) and in the Spring where an entrance fee is charged. This May 28 event will be done by an all-volunteer group for the benefit of those military and veteran families attending at no charge. It is their way of saying ‘thank you’ for the sacrifices you have made for our country and for the enjoyment of your children.

The Valley of the Moon was declared a Tucson Historic Landmark by unanimous decision of the Mayor and Council on May 19th, 2015.

Come Ye All To the Children Of Heroes Day!

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